“Hope Restored: Functional Neurology Serves Humanity” is a Short Subject Documentary that tells the story of how a new form of modern medical practice is changing the way we view neurological disorders, the fact that treatments and possibly cures exist, and moreover the lives that are being changed.
The film shows hands on footage of doctors treating patients, and ailments being alleviated by the help of Functional Neurology. It dives into how functional neurology works and how the brain adapts to changes due to its plasticity, or function. Two very special cases are examined, giving and in depth scope of real world changes to those who were once without hope.
In the film we are introduced to Christa Hubbard, a doctor who searched tirelessly to find a treatment, cure or anything that will allow her to defeat the disease known as Dystonia that was stealing her mobility daily. She was in the” fight of her life to figure out the mechanism of Dystonia and to try and find an intervention, a way to try and stop it.”
We also journey with a very special girl who was born with Cerebral Palsy, Kenzie Maher. Her struggles started at birth, and have continued to this day. Her parents Kevin and Rhonda Maher have worked tirelessly with therapists and doctors alike to provide the best possible treatments for Kenzie. Once the founder of Functional Neurology, Dr. Carrick, and Kenzie’s paths crossed her future and that of her family would never be the same.
Each and every day the lives of billions worldwide are being impacted by neurological disorders, damaging injuries and even diseases. 80% of people over the age of 65 develop some form of a neurological disorder. 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with autism, meaning, in the United States every 14 minutes a child is born that will develop autistic symptoms.
Functional neurology is addressing these issues and giving life back to those who had once felt it lost. Functional Neurology is Restoring Hope.
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